Friends of the Choir
Friends, Patrons and Benefactors of the Choir are an important part of the Choir family, providing essential support that helps to maintain the Choir’s reputation for touring, recording and performing, while laying the foundations for an endowment that will enable the Choir to flourish for generations to come. Their support is greatly valued by all the Choir and the whole College community.
Friend of the Choir
Minimum £10 per month (+ Gift Aid)
(An annual donation could purchase a new set of music)
The benefits of becoming a Friend of the Choir include:
Priority booking for the Carols by Candlelight service each Christmas
Newsletters about the Choir's activities
Personal acknowledge in the College's List of Donors and in all Choir concert programmes

Patron of the Choir
Minimum £40 per month (+ Gift Aid)
(An annual donation could cover the cost of regular singing lessons for one of our choristers)
The benefits of becoming a Patron of the Choir include all of the benefits of being a Friend of the choir plus:
Termly Music List and Chapel Card
A complimentary copy of all new CDs recorded by the Choir
Two complimentary tickets to the Carols by Candlelight service each Christmas
Annual invitation to Evensong and drinks with members of the Choir
Benefactor of the Choir
Minimum £4,000 annually (+ Gift Aid)
(An annual donation could enable the Choir to perform a concert with orchestra or commission a new composition to be premiered by the Choir)
The benefits of becoming a Benefactor of the Choir include all of the benefits of being a Patron of the Choir plus:
Four complimentary tickets to the Carols by Candlelight service each Christmas
Two complimentary tickets to at least one other Choir concert per year
The exclusive opportunity to attend private rehearsals and recording sessions
The opportunity to name a clerkship or to be named in bookplates in new copies of music
Annual invitation to dinner in College with the Informator Choristarum