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Line of Consort sopranos & altos Oct 21
Three Consort in stalls Oct 21
Small group of Consort & Clerks in stalls Oct 21
RR organ etc
Walking smiling Consort Oct 21
Consort formal in front of Chapel Oct 21

Magdalen College Choir has established itself as unique among the three Oxford Choral Foundations, being the only one to offer the opportunity for adult sopranos to sing with the choir. Our Consort of Voices is made of up of the clerks of the College Choir and a group of talented sopranos from around the University. The Consort sing evensong on Saturdays during term time, as well as attending pre-term workshops and singing extra services during school half-term. Traditionally, every term, one of these evensongs is sung alongside instruments of time and truth; in the past they have performed Bach and Buxtehude's Magnificats, as well as fantastic baroque anthems such as John Blow's God Spake Sometime in Visions. Moreover, the Consort also sing at other events such as concerts, dinners, and special evensongs where they often join forces with our trebles. 


Members of the Consort receive an annual stipend alongside the cost of four singing lessons per term. Primarily, however, singing with this ensemble affords the opportunity to work on challenging repertoire in great detail, sculpting refined performances of some of the greatest works in the sacred choral canon. Additional social events such as termly formal hall and parties at the house of the Informator also act as a great way to get to know other singers in Oxford and forge strong friendships outside of one's own College. 

For further details or to apply for an audition with the Informator, please email

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